
Maggie Winters


Maggie is a born and raised Montanan with a deep love of the outdoors and all the beauty Montana has to offer. She has a sincere appreciation for all things symmetrical and linear and has been told many times that she has “type-A” characteristics, which she now wears as a badge of honor. That “type-A” personality has kept her organized and focused in most areas of her life, except for laundry duties as well as remembering to turn the crock pot on for a ready-made dinner. Maggie’s love of education (whether it be giving or receiving of knowledge) has helped shaped her passion around finances.


The birth of Hatch

The search for financial independence began when Hatch’s founder, Maggie had her first child. She was teaching 2nd grade at the time and had no idea that an innate maternal desire lingered in her soul to be a stay-at-home-mom. There was no way to know this until she went back to the classroom after a 7 month maternity leave. The feelings and emotions tied to dropping her baby off with a daycare provider piloted her need to do something about her and her husband’s finances.

The prospect of staying home even part-time was out of the question due to their current financial situation of living “paycheck-to-paycheck,” with 2 cars loans and a Master’s degree debt to pay. With her strong desire to be with her son, she was proactive in reading budgeting books, listening to financial podcasts (even before they were popular) and quickly became obsessed with finding a way to spend more time in her “mom role.”

After a year of problem solving and intentional living, she was able to go down to part-time teaching after paying off those car and student loans. Fast forward 6 years, she and her husband now have 3 children and Maggie stays home full-time. Money is no longer a point of contention but rather a means to accomplish their financial goals. Maggie has married her two passions of teaching and financial intelligence to create Hatch Financial Coaching LLC.
